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- Stolen Harvest -- How globalization really works. (05/10/05 15:39:40 CDT)
- You Are Not What You Think You Are -- We are walking, talking human-bacteria hybrids (11/09/04 21:41:06 EST)
- How Green is Whole Foods? -- Paul Hawken's take on why Whole Foods is not exemplary. (05/24/04 02:01:40 EDT)
- A Former Special Forces Soldier Responds to Bush's Invitation -- A soldier's eye view of our latest war and bravado posing as leadership. (11/30/03 18:25:52 EST)
- WATER VS. COKE -- The life-sustaining qualities of water versus the corrosive characteristics of Coke. (10/27/03 01:20:17 EST)
- Diabetes Explodes -- The keys to prevention of diabetes. (06/18/03 17:23:36 EDT)
- Therapeutic Baths -- Four therapeutic baths that treat common ailments. (04/22/03 02:14:51 EDT)
- Your Right to Choose Under Siege -- The alternative health community sleeps while the government attacks health freedom. (03/12/03 02:49:30 EST)
- Garlic and Onions Halve Prostate Cancer Risk -- Eating plenty of garlic and onions can help men lower their risk of developing prostate cancer. (11/29/02 15:14:02 EST)
- Inspired Investing with Profits Plus -- The inevitable debasement of organic (10/31/02 00:49:43 EST)
- Leaked Paper: Grim Warning -- Ecological Decline 'Far Worse' Than Official Estimates (08/27/02 02:18:13 EDT)
- The Spurious Foundation of Genetic Engineering -- Greatly respected Barry Commoner voices uncommon wisdom about genetic engineering. (05/22/02 01:09:47 EDT)
- HELP STOP THE WHITE LIST -- This government proposal will ban over 99% of the world's species of plants, animals and micro-organisms. (02/01/02 16:42:06 EST)
- Green Party Coordinator Prevented from Flying by Armed Military -- This press release may be a warning that your fundamental constitutional rights are threatened. (11/04/01 14:07:57 EST)
- A Cure for Addiction? -- The advocates of a new herbal based treatment say it ends dependency on heroin, opium, and cocaine within five days. (09/06/01 13:54:12 EDT)
- Mycoplasma -- Bio-engineered Mycoplasma: the cause of AIDS, CFS, CJD, MS? (09/02/01 23:44:53 EDT)
- Fluoridation: Time For A Second Look? -- Fluoridation of public water supplies has stirred passionate debate for over 50 years. Now new data is refining the debate. (09/01/01 19:49:38 EDT)
- Reporters Fired For Telling The Truth About RBGH Milk Hormone -- Two veteran news reporters for Fox TV in Tampa, Florida have been fired for refusing to water down an investigative report on Monsanto's controversial milk hormone, rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone). (09/01/01 16:44:44 EDT)
- Spirituality a Growing Part of Medical School -- One third of American medical schools have decided to bring spirituality back into healthcare. (08/31/01 23:08:11 EDT)
- Drug Reactions Major Cause of U.S. Hospital Death -- Adverse drug reactions appear to be a major cause of death among hospital patients in the United States, a new study reported on Tuesday. (08/31/01 22:59:42 EDT)
- Which Doctors? -- A recently released issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association was devoted entirely to alternative medicine. (08/31/01 22:49:10 EDT)
- Music Training and Ginkgo Biloba Benefit Memory -- Two recent studies in the mainstream scientific literature suggest that early music training and the popular herb Ginkgo biloba have benefits for human memory. (08/31/01 22:40:35 EDT)
- Childhood Diabetes: Is Diet a Major Culprit? -- Studies link eating more meat and dairy products to a higher rate of type 1 diabetes. (08/31/01 22:12:02 EDT)