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EAT FAT . . . Now wait a minute — Isn't a low fat diet supposed to be good for us? Rick Rohé uncovers the facts in expert detail: there are good fats and bad fats, and to avoid the good fats can undermine your health.

THE ZEN OF RUNNING. Looking for motivation and inspiration to take up running? Try Rick Rohé's best-selling 1970's classic on the subject.

Quick Weight Loss. The thirty-three billion dollar weight loss industry does not want you to know about a new weight loss discovery: Lose weight FIVE TIMES FASTER, with no dieting. Dont believe it? . . .

The Negative Calorie Diet. Drop 14 pounds in 7 days, by eating foods that require your body to burn more calories digesting them than the actual calorie content of the food itself.

Wrap Yourself Slim at Home. Lose fat and inches without dieting with an all natural body wrap.

SunSlim Weight Loss System. Dr. Joy Siegrist's 13-year old, medically proven, weight loss method has a 96% success rate.

SimplifiedWeightLoss.com. The one low-carb diet that ALWAYS works.

Easy Health Secrets. How to easily send your metabolism through the roof. Guaranteed to have you losing weight without being on strict diets.

Weight Loss Diet Secrets. Learn how to turn your body into a fat melting furnace, while still eating all your favorite foods.

The Metabolic Plan. Knowing the secret of your own body's thermal engine will unlock your natural ability to get to your own unique healthy weight.

Lillie's "Souper" Weight Loss Plan. Reveals the recipe for a delicious vegetable soup that will take 9 to 17 pounds off you in just seven days (while eating three full, delicious meals every day).

Dream Body System. How to lose 2-5 pounds a week: burn off more than you eat.

The Living Well Plan. Your fat burning has to do with the TYPE of fat you eat. There is no one diet that suits everyone. You need an eating plan that can be adjusted to your particular lifestyle.

Cure Your Arthritis. The amazing natural treatment program that makes you pain-free, without expensive, conventional drugs.

Cure Your Asthma in Just One Week. A drug-free home treatment program for asthma, sinus, and allergies.

Dramatic Asthma Relief. You can have safe and rapid asthma and allergy relief with a natural, drug-free program that is based on proven medical research and clinical trials.

1001 Beauty Tips. Secrets and Techniques for bringing out your natural beauty. Homemade beauty treatments for head to toe make-overs for your mind, body, and spirit.

How to Defeat Cancer — Naturally. Defeat cancer without chemo, radiation, or surgery! Eliminate the cause of the disease — toxin accumulation — using the power of enzymes and friendly bacteria.

Cure Your Cancer. This book shows you 38 alternative treatments for curing cancer permanently, all of which are gentler and more effective than "standard" chemotherapy and radiation.

Cancer Cure Secrets. Using little known and HIGHLY surpressed methods of treatment, several clinics in Mexico have had over a 90% success rate with ALL types of cancer. Can you imagine asking your doctor or hospital for a cancer treatment with a 90% success rate?

A Guide to the Best in Alternative Cancer Treatments and Medicines. A thinking person's guide from an expert on how to quickly find proven therapy options in this complex, growing field. A guide to: treatments; medicines; doctors; nutritionists; therapy consultants; hospitals and clinics; websites; books and videos.

Money by the Mouthful . . . What you should know about the health of your mouth and body, that no doctor is going to tell you: dental disease is wholly preventable!

Food Can Make You Ill. Your complete center for food intolerance. Titles include: Change Your Diet and Change Your Life; Migraine and Food Intolerance; Chocolate, Cocoa, and Health.

The Energy Odyssey. Excellent overview of meridian energy therapies. Required reading for any serious student of the field.

The World's Most Effective 20 Minute Workout. Why 20 minutes? Because that's all the time needed to transform your body into the shape you've always wanted. 20 minutes a WEEK. Choose from e-book titles including: Maximum Fat Loss, Maximum Muscle Gain, and Maximum Cardio-Boxing.
