A. The Problem
You often hear doctors say there's no need to supplement if you eat a balanced diet. If only that were true! Unfortunately, the food we eat today is not the same as the food we ate 50-100 years ago. We are forced to compensate for the loss of "value" in our food.
What you actually get in the store: Many commercial-grade vitamin and mineral concentrates are synthesized by the large pharmaceutical and chemical companies from the same starting material that they make their drugs from: coal tar, wood pulp, petroleum products, animal byproducts, waste and fecal matter, ground rocks, stones, shells, and metal. For example, most Vitamin B-12 is made from activated sewage sludge, and then stabilized with cyanide.
B. Program for Dealing with the Problem
- Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates — For most people, this is where their nutritional knowledge begins and ends. They count calories and compare ratios of fat calories to total calories. In most hospitals, the sole concerm of the certified nutritionists who prepare hospital "food" is putting together a proper balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. As you will soon learn, this is tantamount to nutritional insanity.
- Minerals — Your body is actually made mostly of minerals and water. As it turns out, your overall health is determined far more by minerals than proteins, fats, carbohydrates, or even vitamins.
- Trace Minerals — For years, trace minerals were virtually ignored when it came to nutrition. In fact, in the early days of vitamin/mineral supplements, it was rare to even find them included. Since then we have learned that a full complement of the 72-84 trace elements is essential for optimum health.
- Vitamins — Vitamins are co-enzymes whose primary role is to help your body's enzymes do their job.
- Phytochemicals — Phytochemicals are the hot "new" discoveries in nutritional science. They include things such as sulforaphane from broccoli, resveratrol from grapes, and lycopene from tomatoes.
C. General Recommendations
- Overall Supplement. Use concentrated "food-based" vitamin complexes; or use "food-grown" supplements; or use a superfood combination (containing spirulina, chlorella, etc.); or, best of all, use "food-formed" supplements.
- Essential Fatty Acids. Add the Omega-3 EFA's back into your diet through ground flaxseed, flax oil, borage oil, or fish oil.
- Trace Minerals. Use "colloidal minerals", "ionic minerals", or "sea minerals".
- Phytonutrients. Use fermented soy products (for the genistein and the isoflavones); broccoli, brussel sprouts, and kale (for the sulforaphane); garlic and onions (for the allyl sulfides); and green tea (for the polyphenols).
D. Recommended Products
- Private Reserve Superfood — Jon Barron's Private Reserve Superfood is loaded with naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, packed with easily digestible vegan protein, provides a great source of soluble and insoluble fiber, and replenishes the missing omega-3 fatty acids so essential for good health. In addition, this formula, which Jon created for his own private use, energizes your metabolism with low-glycemic ultra-long-chain carbohydrates, pumps your body with over 200 hundred antioxidants, and most important of all, packs every single cell in your body with the single greatest concentration of life enhancing phytochemicals known to man. This truly is the ultimate superfood.
- Catalyst Altered Trace Minerals — A proprietary blend of catalyst altered water and Great Salt Lake trace minerals. Catalyst altered water has been electrically altered by the addition of the micelle catalyst so that it no longer clumps together. The rigid tetrahedral structure of the water breaks apart so that the water flows much more easily in and out of cells - readily carrying minerals and nutrients into the cells, and waste out. A simple way of explaining this is say that CAW is a more efficient form of water.
When consumed regularly, CAW can help in the absorption and assimilation of all nutrients (not just minerals), increase enzyme activity, and strengthen the immune system. And in addition to all of those benefits, regular consumption of CAW offers increased elimination of toxins and wastes. It also works as an extraordinary free radical scavenger and helps reduce inflammation — throughout the body.