A. The Problem
Does anyone really believe that cancer somehow magically appears in isolated spots in your body for no particular reason? And that removing or destroying that cancer in that one isolated spot mean that you're cured?
If the above statement sounds silly, or even absurd, to you, then you've got a problem with most conventional approaches to cancer. You see, virtually all modern cancer research and treatments in use today are based on that premise:
- Surgically remove the cancer.
- Burn the cancer out with focused beams of radiation.
- Poison the cancer with chemo.
- Or all of the above.
If we truly want to end the cancer scourge, we need to look elsewhere for answers.
Cancer is fundamentally a disease of the immune system. Each day of your life, as part of the normal metabolic process, your body produces anywhere from a few hundred to as many as 10,000 cancerous cells. The reason everybody doesn't get cancer is because your immune system has the ability to recognize each of those aberrant cells and remove them from your body. At least, that's what a healthy immune system does.
Then why do some people get cancer? Becauser one of three things happens (and more often than not, all three together):
- You expose yourself to outside toxins and outside influences that dramatically increase the number of cancerous cells your body produces, so that not even a healthy immune system can handle the load.
- You compromise your immune system to the point that it can no longer handle all of the cancerous cells your body produces, thus allowing some of them to take root and establish themselves.
- Circulation (in the broadest sense) is impeded, thus lkeading to both of the above.
B. Program for Dealing with the Problem
Preventing vs. reversing cancer. It is much easier to prevent cancer than to reverse it. The reason is very simple. Isolated cancer cells are not very strong and have no built-in support mechanisms; however, once they take root and begin to multiply, they build awesome support systems, and acquire a life of their own.
What to do to prevent or reverse cancer. It is against the law to prescribe or recommend any particular treatments in this book. However, it is not inappropriate to provide you with some general guidelines.
C. General Recommendations
- The entire Baseline of Health program — summarized in the 16 steps — is specifically designed to clean out and nourish virtually every major system in your body. It is by no means a cancer treatment. It is a system for optimizing the health of all the major systems in your body. For that reason, it can serve as the core of any program you use to prevent or deal with catastrophic illness. It can play a significant role both in removing the toxins from your body that promote the growth of aberrant cancer cells, and in rebuilding and optimizing your immune system. Make sure you do every piece of the program — not just the ones you find convenient.
Specific anticancer protocols worth researching in the library or on the Web:
- Check out the Budwig diet.
- Check out the rainforest herb Graviola.
- Specialized antioxidants like curcumin, green tea, selenium, and L-carnosine should be explored.
- Acemannan concentrates from aloe help build the immune system.
- Ellagitannin extracts from red raspberries are proven powerful anticarcinogens.
- Check out using high doses (12 tablespoons a day) of stabilized rice bran.
- Check out Ukrain. This is expensive, but the results have been dramatic.
- Check out Carnivora. This is much less expensive, but the first dose requires the administration of an injection. After that, all doses are oral.
- Ozone therapy has been shown to be effective in burning cancers out of the body. It is administered using rectal insufflation. Unfortunately, the machines are not cheap, costing about $2,200.
- Rife technology — There are several machines that have expanded upon the work that Royal Rife initiated. The basic premise of his work is that cancers can be eliminated by frequencies tuned to the individual electromagnetic signature of that particular disease. The medical establishment and self-appointed quack busters really dislike these machines (whose cost is close to $2,000). Nevertheless, they work. Not as consistently as some proponents would have you believe (because they only address microbe-induced cancers), but they do work, and can be a powerful addition to any cancer therapy.
- Track down a scalar energy charging chamber, or consume large amounts of supplements enhanced by scalar energy to help raise cellular energy levels. (BioEnergization™ incorporated by Jon Barron through Baseline Nutritionals, utilizes scalar energy to enhance the bioavailability of Baseline products by as much as 50%. Read more about it here.)