The Unique Advantage of Synergy-Com Supplements, designed for nutritional supplementation of Your Nutritional Type.
Synergy-Coms are unique formulas for the following reasons:
They are produced from a culture of living organisms, much like yogurt is grown. |
Each individual vitamin and mineral is grown on its own culture, under controlled conditions of temperature and moisture. |
This means that each individual vitamin and mineral has all the naturally occurring proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes and lipids that are produced in the growing process. |
They are not isolates of the particular item, such as Vitamin B-6 or Calcium. |
They truly are organic food source products. |
In order for the body to use any vitamin or mineral, it must first be combined with an amino acid, a carbohydrate, an enzyme or a lipid. This is the basic limitation of synthetic or isolated vitamins and minerals. In order for them to be utilized by the body, they must draw from the body’s reserves of amino acids, carbohydrates, enzymes or lipids, because they are isolates.
If the balance between the various components is correct, high potencies are not necessary or even desirable. The Synergy-Com formulas do not draw from the body’s reserves because those items are a naturally occurring part of their growing process and are included in their formulas. This makes them truly function as highly concentrated foods.
© 2012 Organic Marketing
Protein Type:
Recommended Foods
Nutritional Type Product Guide
Pork Rib
Fowl, drumstick
Fowl, thigh
Fowl, wing
Red meat
Heart |
Tuna, dark
Anchovy |
Carrot (some)
Potato (some)
Apple (some)
Pear (some) |
Cottage Cheese
(Dairy is not
a subsitute for
All Ok |
All ok |
All ok |
Butter-based pastries
Ice Cream |
Diluted Fruit Juice
Vegetable Juice |
Cream Soup
Meat stock
Salt, miso
Soy sauce
Yeast |
Using your recommended foods listed above, try to eat according to the following ratios:
- 45%-50% Protein (Proteins = Meat, Fowl, Seafood, Dairy)
- 30%-35% Carbohydrates (Carbohydrates = Fruits, Vegetables, Grains)
- 20% Oils/Natural Fats (Fats = Butter, Oils, Fatty Foods - ex. nuts, seeds, cheese, other fatty foods)
You don't have to be exact. Just think in terms of proportions of the foods on your plate. Your metabolic type should do better with an overall higher percentage of proteins relative to carbohydrates and fats/oils. So, no matter how much food you put on your plate, whether it's a lot or a little, your plate should look something like this:
Profile #2, Protein Type Graph:

Recommended Supplements

Profile #2, Protein Type
The PROTEIN TYPE products we describe below are available on the Ultra Life site. However, the Ultra Life site does not identify these products as PROTEIN TYPE on their site, and you could easily get lost and take avery long time trying to find the products below on the UltraLife site (which contains hundreds of products).
So we created a way to greatly simplify your shopping experience. We include the actual Ultra Life pages for the PROTEIN TYPE products in little "windows" below, right on this page! If you want to add any of the products below to your Ultra Life shopping cart, you don't have to leave this page . . . Just find the UltraLife window below for your product, and press the "Add to Cart" button in it.
Do the same for all the products below that you'd like to purchase. Then press any of the CHECKOUT buttons below. (You can adjust quantities of products and remove products from your cart when you're checking out.)
That's about as easy it gets!

Synergy-Com #2 (180):
A complete multi-vitamin/mineral formula made from Bio-Transformed® nutrients. These are vitamins and minerals in whole food form, rather than the usual isolated USP form, grown by Bio Foods Ltd., via their exclusive fermentation process. Designed for Metabolic Profile #2, the Protein Type.
Each three tablets* supplies: Vitamins: Vitamin A 15,000 I.U., Vitamin B-1 2 mg., Vitamin B-2 5 mg., Vitamin B-5 29 mg., Vitamin B-6 2 mg., Vitamin B-12 125 mcg., Beta Carotene 5000 I.U., Bioflavonoids 56 mg., Biotin 57 mcg., Vitamin C 130 mg., Phosphatidyl Choline 55 mg., Vitamin D-3 170 I.U., Vitamin E 62 I.U., Folic Acid 200 mcg., Inositol 25 mg., Niacinamide 38 mg., PABA 7 mg. Minerals: Boron 500 mcg., Calcium 75 mg., GTF Chromium 50 mcg., Copper 700 mcg., Magnesium 10 mg., Manganese 2 mg., Molybdenum 70 mcg., Potassium 7 mg., Selenium 15 mcg., Silicon 2.5 mg., Vanadium 10 mcg., Zinc 15 mg.
*contains only nutrients derived from plant sources produced by a unique growing process.
Below is the Ultra Life web page for Synergy-Com #2. Press "Add To Cart" to add Synergy-Com #2 to your cart, but do not press any of the other links on the Ultra Life page or this Natural Health Yellow Pages PROTEIN TYPE guide page will disappear. |
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Press CHECKOUT, then read the instructions at the top of the page. |

Enzigest #2 (90) Protein Type:
A wide-spectrum digestive enzyme formula, all the enzymes derived from Bio-Transformed® plant sources. Designed for Profile #2, the Protein Type.
Proprietary Blend 300 mg of the following enzymes: Protease, Bromelain, Amylase, Lipase, Cellulase, Lactase, Phytase, Maltase, Hemicellulose, Invertase, Galactase, Xylanase, Whole Papaya and Amla. This special formula has a digestive utilization pH range of 3 to 9. |
Below is the Ultra Life web page for Enzigest #2. Press "Add To Cart" to add Enzigest #2 to your cart, but do not press any of the other links on the Ultra Life page or this Natural Health Yellow Pages PROTEIN TYPE guide page will disappear. |
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Press CHECKOUT, then read the instructions at the top of the page. |

Digestant #2 (90):
A two-stage digestion aid. Stage 1 releases in the stomach; stage 2 releases in the duodenum of the small intestine. Made from Bio-Transformed® ingredients. Designed for Profile #2, the Protein Type.
Each tablet supplies: Phase 1: Glycine 35 mg., Pepsin 100 mg., Papain 45 mg. Phase 2: Pancreatin 100 mg., Pancrelipase 55 mg., Amylase 25 mg., Bromelain 25 mg., Ox Bile Extract 65 mg., Lipase 25 mg., Lactase 50 mg., Rennin 50 mg.
Below is the Ultra Life web page for Digestant #2. Press "Add To Cart" to add Digestant #2 to your cart, but do not press any of the other links on the Ultra Life page or this Natural Health Yellow Pages PROTEIN TYPE guide page will disappear. |
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Press CHECKOUT, then read the instructions at the top of the page. |

HCL #2 (90):
Multiple forms of hydrochloric acid and associated digestive factors, from Bio-Transformed® sources. Designed for Profile #2, the Protein Type.
Each capsule supplies Betaine HCL 454 mg., Ammonium Chloride 65 mg., Glutamic Acid HCL 194 mg., Pepsin 22 mg.
Below is the Ultra Life web page for HCL #2. Press "Add To Cart" to add HCL #2 to your cart, but do not press any of the other links on the Ultra Life page or this Natural Health Yellow Pages PROTEIN TYPE guide page will disappear. |
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Press CHECKOUT, then read the instructions at the top of the page. |

B-Com #2 (180):
A complete vitamin B complex, including synergistic phyto-nutrients, from Bio-Transformed® sources. Designed for Metabolic Profile #2, the Protein Type.
Two (2) tablets* contains: Vitamin B-1 3 mg., Vitamin B-2 15 mg., Vitamin B-3 5 mg., Vitamin B-5 100 mg., Vitamin B-6 5 mg., Vitamin B-12 300 mcg., Biotin 225 mcg., Choline 150 mg., Folic Acid 125 mcg., Inositol 100 mg., Niacinamide 135 mg., PABA 10 mg.
*contains only nutrients derived from plant sources produced by a unique growing process.
Below is the Ultra Life web page for B-Com #2. Press "Add To Cart" to add B-Com #2 to your cart, but do not press any of the other links on the Ultra Life page or this Natural Health Yellow Pages PROTEIN TYPE guide page will disappear. |
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Press CHECKOUT, then read the instructions at the top of the page. |

Multi-Com #2 Protein Type (90):
A complete multi-vitamin/mineral formula, made from USP isolates rather than the whole food form found in other Synergistics formulas. Designed for Metabolic Profile #2, the Protein Type.
Three (3) capsules contain Vit. A 4500 I.U., Beta Carotene 1290 I.U., Vit. D-3 120 I.U., Vit. B-1 1.2 mg., Vit. B-2 1.5 mg., Vit. B-3 33 mg., Vit. B-5 21 mg., Vit. B-6 1.8 mg., Vit. B-12 60 mcg., Biotin 24 mcg., Vit. C 93 mg., Phosphatidyl Choline 42 mg., Vit. E 45 I.U., Folic Acid 120 mcg., Vitamin K 30 mcg., Inositol 24 mg., PABA 6 mg., Pantethine 30 mg., Boron 420 mcg., Calcium 50 mg., Chromium 60 mcg., Copper 300 mcg., Iodine 75 mcg., Magnesium 7 mg., Manganese 1.8 mg., Molybdenum 6 mcg., Phosphorus 0.44 mg., Potassium 16 mg., Selenium 12 mcg., Silica 1800 mcg., Vanadium 90 mcg., Zinc 24 mg., HCL 30 mg., Hesperidin 21 mg., Intrinsic Factor 30 mg., Lipoic Acid 18 mg., Mineral 74 15 mg., Quercetin 18 mg., RNA 18 mg., Rutin 18 mg.
Below is the Ultra Life web page for Multi-Com #2. Press "Add To Cart" to add Multi-Com #2 to your cart, but do not press any of the other links on the Ultra Life page or this Natural Health Yellow Pages PROTEIN TYPE guide page will disappear. |
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Press CHECKOUT, then read the instructions at the top of the page. |
A few additional notes from Rick Rohé
about your Metabolic Type diet and supplement program:
Following the dietary guidelines is more important than taking the supplements, if you have to choose.
The above point does not diminish the importance of supplements. In the contemporary world, with its unprecedented mixture of toxic elements, and the generally poor quality of foods produced by modern agriculture, supplements are a necessity for optimum health.
How do you know that the Carbo, Protein, and Mixed formulas accurately reflect the differences and needs of those types? Synergistics supplements have been formulated by Bill Wolcott, creator of the Healthexcel system of nutritional typing, author of The Metabolic Typing Diet.
You can hope that anyone you're living with will be the same nutritional type, but the odds are against it. Most likely, two or more people will be taking different supplements. My wife, Gardenia, for example, is a Protein Type, while I'm a Mixed Type. That doubles the investment when we order, but we only order half as often compared to both of us taking the same things, so it isn't really more costly. On the other hand, the differing food requirements may not be as neat a situation. It doesn't really raise your food costs, but it does require an extra dose of creativity in preparation. Even so, it can be like letting sunlight into a dark room-truly worth the effort!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I have just taken my Nutritional Profile Metabolic Test. It recommends certain supplements from Ultra Life, Inc. Why should I use Ultra Life supplements instead of some from my local health food store or some other supplier?
A: The primary reason is because Ultra Life, Inc. is the only supplement company that produces formulas exclusively designed for the different Nutritional Types.”One size fits all” does not work in nutrition. Your optimum health can only be accomplished by using the correct supplements for your system.
Q: As long as I use good quality supplements won’t my system simply pick out what it needs and reject the rest?
A: This is, unfortunately, an all too common misconception. It is often promoted by those who either do not understand Metabolic Typing® or choose to ignore it. While it is true the body will attempt to get rid of what it cannot use, this concept is greatly misunderstood. This process requires a lot of energy expenditure. In many cases, it may require more energy to get rid of the incorrect portions than is derived from the correct portions. This means there could well be a negative energy drain on your body.
In addition, if the supplements are incorrect for that individual’s Metabolic Type®, they may actually make an existing imbalance or symptom much worse. The correct supplements will have a very positive effect on correcting the imbalance and thereby help in relieving the symptom. The correct supplements, designed for the specific Metabolic Type®, will always seek to establish balance in the individual, a vital element of optimum health.