The Unique Advantage of Synergy-Com Supplements, designed for nutritional supplementation of Your Nutritional Type.
Synergy-Coms are unique formulas for the following reasons:
They are produced from a culture of living organisms, much like yogurt is grown. |
Each individual vitamin and mineral is grown on its own culture, under controlled conditions of temperature and moisture. |
This means that each individual vitamin and mineral has all the naturally occurring proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes and lipids that are produced in the growing process. |
They are not isolates of the particular item, such as Vitamin B-6 or Calcium. |
They truly are organic food source products. |
In order for the body to use any vitamin or mineral, it must first be combined with an amino acid, a carbohydrate, an enzyme or a lipid. This is the basic limitation of synthetic or isolated vitamins and minerals. In order for them to be utilized by the body, they must draw from the body’s reserves of amino acids, carbohydrates, enzymes or lipids, because they are isolates.
If the balance between the various components is correct, high potencies are not necessary or even desirable. The Synergy-Com formulas do not draw from the body’s reserves because those items are a naturally occurring part of their growing process and are included in their formulas. This makes them truly function as highly concentrated foods.
© 2012 Organic Marketing
Nutritional Profile Self Test
Based on Your Autonomic Nervous System
(A Key Factor In Your Metabolism Type)
- Place a check in the square to the left of each choice that best applies to you.
- Make only one selection per category.
- If no choice applies to you, leave that category unchecked
- Important: The choices as written may not describe you exactly. So, it is very important that you choose the answer that best describes your tendencies. The answer doesn't need to be a perfect description, just an indication of your trend.
- Consider letting a close friend or family member check your answers for accuracy.
- Be as honest and accurate as you can. After all, you want to be sure to obtain the right product for your kind of metabolism. Click on the appropriate link below the test, after you have determined your type.
- Some choices in some columns are purposefully left blank.
After you have determined your nutritional type, you can refer to the appropriate product guide for your type:
Q: I have just taken my Nutritional Profile Metabolic Test. It recommends certain supplements from Ultra Life, Inc. Why should I use Ultra Life supplements instead of some from my local health food store or some other supplier?
A: The primary reason is because Ultra Life, Inc. is the only supplement company that produces formulas exclusively designed for the different Nutritional Types.”One size fits all” does not work in nutrition. Your optimum health can only be accomplished by using the correct supplements for your system.
Q: As long as I use good quality supplements won’t my system simply pick out what it needs and reject the rest?
A: This is, unfortunately, an all too common misconception. It is often promoted by those who either do not understand Metabolic Typing® or choose to ignore it. While it is true the body will attempt to get rid of what it cannot use, this concept is greatly misunderstood. This process requires a lot of energy expenditure. In many cases, it may require more energy to get rid of the incorrect portions than is derived from the correct portions. This means there could well be a negative energy drain on your body.
In addition, if the supplements are incorrect for that individual’s Metabolic Type®, they may actually make an existing imbalance or symptom much worse. The correct supplements will have a very positive effect on correcting the imbalance and thereby help in relieving the symptom. The correct supplements, designed for the specific Metabolic Type®, will always seek to establish balance in the individual, a vital element of optimum health.